About Us

About Us 1

Joshua Edjida: Lead Storyweaver

Joshua is an immersive theater artist who enjoys creating worlds.

After film school, and then a stint of running a New York City production company, he could see that there must be a much deeper approach to storytelling than he was taught be the traditional Hollywood approach.

From his explorations with Jungian archetypes, mirror work, psychedelics, and relational intimacy he was able to realize a clear understanding of the elusive true nature of story. 

By fully immersing himself into this, he learned to unwind the autistic tendencies which had controlled his life. He has since helped hundreds of people to experience similar effects.

Joshua is also a Transformational Storytelling Consultant at Storyweaving Media

You can visit his "About Me" page for social links.

The Quantum Theater is an Immersive Theater platform designed to make accessible new perspectives to its participants. From the highly intimate 1:1 Personal Theater experiences, and Group Immersive Theater Experiences.

You can join the Telegram Group here.

The “How the Quantum Theater Works” PDF can be downloaded here.

The Quantum Theater content is a branch of True Participation, A Leadership Development, and Transformational Media Company.

Here’s our Newsletter if you’d like to stay updated on happenings as they unfold:

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